Services offered

Whatever your piano, and however skilled (or unskilled!) the hands that play it, don’t you want it to sound its very best? Let Suits Piano Service make that happen for you. 


Tuning a piano sounds simple, but it’s not. Owing to the stiffness of the strings and a phenomenon called inharmonicity, tuning a piano necessarily involves compromises. The most accomplished tuners are those that can zero in on the compromises that work the best on each individual piano.

On top of that, acquiring the skill to put a note where it belongs in such a way that it stays there, not slipping after a day or a week, takes a lot of practice – just like learning to play the instrument.

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When you play a key on the piano you set about ninety-eight parts moving. And that’s just one key. With 88 keys, well, you do the math. (On second thought, don't bother. It comes to 8,624 moving parts.) For a piano to work correctly – or in many cases to work at all – each one of these parts needs to be in proper adjustment.

That’s what regulation is all about: Adjusting all of the parts so that they operate uniformly and efficiently.

It would be nice if you could just regulate a piano once and call it good for the life of the piano, but it doesn’t work that way. Parts wear down or wear out. This might just cause little problems at first, but if left uncorrected, these little problems will become big problems. It’s like a car. That little noise you hear when you make a left turn is a sign that you need to head to the shop before you have a breakdown.

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Many common repairs can be done on-site, right in your home. These include stuck keys, annoying squeaks, and broken strings, to name a few. On the other hand, some may require removing the piano action and working on it in the shop.

For any recommended repairs, you can count on a reliable estimate and prompt action from Suits Piano Service.

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